Kamis, 29 Mei 2014

guest house and hotel in Borobudur

 for those of you from wherever you are, when you have a plan to Borobudur temple and you membuthkan akmodasi pengnapan guest house or hotel, we were in the temple Borobudur managing 5 large hotels and dozens of rooms available standard room-VIP room prices start at 250-500 thousand / room variety facilities include, 32 in lcd tv, shower, ac, fan, welcome drink, free breakfast for two person, loundry car rental service, places of worship, akases large parking and close to public facilities, such as Borobudur bus terminals, markets, police station, mini market and other lain2 our hotel in brobudur located in precisely the way Syailendra highway on the east terminal Borobudur see signage, hotel accommodation ours for more information please call our reservation via sms / phone 085 643 322 808 email: brobudurresort@gmail.com twitter @ borobudurresort fb @ borobudurresort